FlatIronsCCR2274-17: Flat-irons along Cottonwood Canyon Road, Utah.
In the Southwest, a road or highway is a lifeline, and in many places, is one with the landscape. A photographer friend said that back east, she would intentionally crop out roads from her photographs, but in the Southwest, a road frequently tells a story that is intimately inter-twined with the landscape. There are many notable highways that run through the Southwest: Old Route 66, “the Mother Road” from Chicago to Los Angeles, is one of them. Parts of old Route 66 are still maintained as a modern highway by Arizona.

Route 66 1-94: On the Road between Seligman and Peach Springs, Arizona.

Sitgreaves Pass 34-96: Route 66 near Oatman, Arizona.

Oatman, AZ 28-94: Bookstore on Route 66, Oatman, Arizona.

Cottonwood Canyon Road 2254-16: Utah.

Monument Valley 11-12: Scenic Route 163, Utah.

Catalina Highway 50-11: Santa Catalina Mountains, near Tucson, Arizona.