Magnificent 544-06: Madera Canyon, Arizona
Over 15 species of hummingbirds are found in Arizona, where many winter in Mexico or central America. Some species migrate as far north as Canada and southern Alaska, following the spring flowers as they bloom along the spines of mountain ranges. Some of these images were taken at hummingbird photo-workshops in the southeastern Arizona locations of Madera and Ash Canyons, as well as Portal. Other images were taken at a photo-workshop in Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada (the end of the northern migration for three species that travel together: black-chinned, calliope, and rufous). These are all high-speed flash images, where flash durations were typically from 1/2000 to 1/2500 of a second: hence the stopped wing motion. In general, the males for each species are more easily recognized, than the less colorful, but better camouflaged females. The male version of each species is shown, unless otherwise labeled. These birds are quite small: the largest shown is the magnificent which is approximately 5″ long. The smallest bird in North America is the calliope, which measures approximately 2″ to 3″. A good hummingbird reference is: Steve N. G. Howell, “Hummingbirds of North America” (Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ (2003)).
Prints of these tiny birds are recommended to be on glossy papers and small (no larger than 6″ x 6″), so that the bird is life-size.

Black Chinned 95-09: Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.

Broad Billed 553-17: Portal, Arizona.

Blue-Throated 1250-17: with penstemon bloom, Portal, Arizona.

Broad Billed 1554-17: with desert honey-suckle blooms, Portal, Arizona.

Broad Tail Female 29-07: Ash Canyon, Arizona.

Broad Billed 25-07; Ash Canyon, Arizona

Anna’s Penstemon 8-07; Ash Canyon, Arizona

Rufous 75-09: Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.

Broad Billed 939-17: with ocotillo bloom, Portal, Arizona.

Anna’sFemale 1-07: with penstemon bloom, Ash Canyon, Arizona.

Calliope 91-09: Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.

Blue-Throated1028-1: with thistle bloom, Portal, Arizona.

Calliope 27-09: Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.

Female Caliope 305-09: Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.

Blue-Throated 573-17: Portal, Arizona.

Rufous 260-09: Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.

Blue-Throated1452-17: with desert honey-suckle, Portal, Arizona..

Rufous & Female Calliope 85-09: Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.

FemaleRufous 237-09; Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.

Broad Billed 51-07: Ash Canyon, Arizona.

Female Caliope 44-09: Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.

Blue-Throated 864-17: with ocotillo bloom, Portal, Arizona.

Female Black Chinned 228-09: Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.

Rufous 65-09: Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada.
I need to thank the following photographers for providing the workshops and instruction for me to obtain these images.